# SquirrelMail Calendar Plugin French Translation File # Copyright (c) 2005-2009 The SquirrelMail Project Team # This file is distributed under the same license as the SquirrelMail package. # Mikael , 2005. # $Id: calendar.po 13696 2009-05-14 06:27:08Z jervfors $ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: calendar VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2005-04-11 21:42-0700\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-09-11 09:26+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Mikael \n" "Language-Team: French \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" msgid "Badly formatted header color" msgstr "" msgid "Badly formatted today color" msgstr "" msgid "Badly formatted event color" msgstr "" msgid "Badly formatted day color" msgstr "" msgid "Day view start time must come before end time" msgstr "" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Inconnu" msgid "Emergency" msgstr "Urgentissime" msgid "Urgent" msgstr "Urgent" msgid "Serious" msgstr "Sérieux" msgid "Important" msgstr "Important" msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" msgid "Secondary" msgstr "Secondaire" msgid "Low" msgstr "Bas" msgid "Insignificant" msgstr "Insignifiant" msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignore" msgid "Days" msgstr "Jours" msgid "Weeks" msgstr "Semaines" msgid "Months" msgstr "Mois" msgid "Years" msgstr "Années" msgid "Event Created Successfully" msgstr "Evènement crée" msgid "Event Updated Successfully" msgstr "Mise à jour réussie" #, c-format msgid "Personal Calendar for %s" msgstr "Calendrier personnel de %s" msgid "Today" msgstr "Aujourd'hui" msgid "All Day" msgstr "Toute la journée" msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Calendrier" msgid "Calendar Preferences" msgstr "Préférences de Calendrier" msgid "Change the way your calendars behave and are displayed, including the miniature calendar beneath the folder list." msgstr "Modification de l'apparence et du comportement de vos calendriers, y compris le mini calendrier sous la liste des dossiers" msgid "Calendar Administration" msgstr "Administration des calendriers" msgid "Create and maintain shared calendars. Edit holidays, assign calendar access by user, or create publicly available calendars." msgstr "Création et gestion de calendriers partagés. Edition des vacances, gestion des accès aux utilisateurs ou création de calendriers publics" msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Dimanche" msgid "Monday" msgstr "Lundi" msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Mardi" msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Mercredi" msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Jeudi" msgid "Friday" msgstr "Vendredi" msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Samedi" #, c-format msgid "%d min." msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "%s hr." msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "%s day" msgstr "%s jour" #, c-format msgid "%s days" msgstr "%s jours" #, c-format msgid "%s wk." msgstr "%s sem." #, c-format msgid "%sam" msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "%spm" msgstr "" msgid "Could not load external calendar" msgstr "Echec de l'ouverture de calendrier externe" msgid "Could not load external calendar; bad address" msgstr "Echec d'ouverture de calendrier externe; mauvaise adresse" #, c-format msgid "Successfully merged calendar into \"%s\"" msgstr "Fusion réussie de calendrier dans \"%s\"" msgid "You already have a calendar with the same ID. Are you sure you don't want to merge/synch the calendar you are uploading?" msgstr "Vous avez déjà un calendrier avec le même ID. Etes vous sûr de ne pas vouloir fusionner/synchroniser le calendrier que vous chargez" msgid "..." msgstr "..." msgid "Must have domain information" msgstr "Doit avoir des informations de domaine" msgid "Valid event type must be specified" msgstr "Un type d'évènement valide doît être spécifié" msgid "Must specify valid recurrence type" msgstr "Doit préciser un type de récurrence valide" msgid "Overall end of recurrence for recurring events must come after end of initial occurrence" msgstr "" msgid "Must specify valid recurrence interval" msgstr "" msgid "Event must have a summary/title" msgstr "" msgid "Must specify valid event priority" msgstr "" msgid "Event must have a valid start date/time" msgstr "" msgid "Event must have a valid end date/time" msgstr "" msgid "End date/time must come after start date and time" msgstr "" msgid "At least one parent calendar must be given" msgstr "" msgid "Event must have a creator" msgstr "" msgid "Event must have a creation date" msgstr "" msgid "Event must have at least one owner" msgstr "" msgid "Error:" msgstr "" msgid "Create New Calendar" msgstr "" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgid "Create" msgstr "" msgid "Calendar Setup" msgstr "" msgid "Create shared access calendars for select users\n or public calendars for all users.\n" msgstr "" msgid "Manage user permissions for your shared calendars.\n" msgstr "" msgid "Calendars" msgstr "" msgid "Users" msgstr "" msgid "Shared calendars can be assigned to users with read only or read/write access. To manage user access to your shared calendars, use the \"Users\" button." msgstr "" msgid "Public calendars are available to all users in addition to their private personal calendar." msgstr "" msgid "Shared Calendars" msgstr "" msgid "Shared calendars" msgstr "" msgid "No Shared Calendars Defined" msgstr "" msgid "Public Calendars" msgstr "" msgid "Public calendars" msgstr "" msgid "No Public Calendars Defined" msgstr "" msgid "Delete" msgstr "" msgid "Add a new calender" msgstr "" msgid "make PUBLIC (read/write for all users)" msgstr "" msgid "Add" msgstr "" msgid "To delete one or more users from a calendar, check the box next to each username and click the 'Delete Users' button." msgstr "" msgid "To add a user to a calendar, type in the username below the calendar, choose the user's access level, and click the 'Add User' button." msgstr "" msgid "Note that you may use wildcards in user names: * means \"zero or more characters\" and ? means \"exactly one alphanumeric character\". For example, \"*@mydomain.com\" will give everyone in \"mydomain.com\" access to the calendars you assign to that username.\n" msgstr "" msgid "To update user access levels for a calendar, adjust the 'Access Level' selections, then click the 'Save' button below that calendar." msgstr "" msgid "Note that only owners of public calendars will have write access to those calendars.\n" msgstr "" msgid "No Shared Calendars Have Been Defined" msgstr "" msgid "Public" msgstr "" msgid "Edit Holidays" msgstr "" msgid "User" msgstr "" msgid "Access Level" msgstr "" msgid "No users defined for this calendar" msgstr "" msgid "Read" msgstr "" msgid "Write" msgstr "" msgid "Owner" msgstr "" msgid "Delete Users" msgstr "" msgid "Add User" msgstr "" msgid "Save" msgstr "" msgid "To create a holiday, blah blah and click the 'Blah Blah' button." msgstr "" msgid "Note that you must also add the new holiday to your calendar if desired.\n" msgstr "" msgid "To add a holiday to a calendar, blah blah blah and click the 'Blah Blah' button." msgstr "" msgid "To remove a holiday from a calendar, blah blah blah, then click the 'Blah' button below that calendar." msgstr "" msgid "No Holidays Have Been Defined" msgstr "" msgid "General Calendar Options" msgstr "" msgid "First Day of Week:" msgstr "Premier jour de la semaine" msgid "Priority at which Events Are Highlighted:" msgstr "Priorité à partir de laquelle les évènements sont surlignés" msgid "Show Daily Add Event Buttons in Month View:" msgstr "Afficher un bouton d'ajout sur chaque jour dans la vue mensuelle" msgid "Yes" msgstr "Oui" msgid "No" msgstr "Non" msgid "Show Week Numbers in Month View:" msgstr "Affiche les numéros de semaine dans la vue mensuelle" msgid "Show Event Start Times in Month View:" msgstr "Affiche les heures de début dans la vue mensuelle" msgid "Maximum Number Events Shown Per Day in Month View:" msgstr "Nombre maximum d'évènements affichés par jour dans la vue mensuelle" msgid "Click on Event in Month View Goes To:" msgstr "Cliquer sur un évènement envoie vers:" msgid "Event View" msgstr "Vue de l'évènement" msgid "Day View" msgstr "vue du jour" msgid "Show Compacted Time of Day in Day View:" msgstr "Affiche une vue compacte de l'heure dans le vue du jour" msgid "Show Hourly Add Event Buttons in Day View:" msgstr "Affiche un bouton d'ajout pour chaque heure dans la vue du jour" msgid "Day View Start Time:" msgstr "Heure de début dans la vue du jour" msgid "Day View End Time:" msgstr "Heure de fin dans la vue du jour" msgid "Clock Skew To Remotely Hosted Calendars:" msgstr "Décalage horaire entre calendriers distants" msgid "Small Calendar" msgstr "Petit calendrier" msgid "Show Small Calendar Under Folder List:" msgstr "Afficher un petit calendrier sous la liste des dossiers" msgid "Small Calendar Source:" msgstr "Source du petit calendrier" msgid "Personal" msgstr "Personnel" msgid "Small Calendar Size:" msgstr "Taille du petit calendrier" msgid "Default" msgstr "Défaut" msgid "10px" msgstr "" msgid "12px" msgstr "" msgid "14px" msgstr "" msgid "16px" msgstr "" msgid "Small Calendar Separator:" msgstr "Séparateur de petit calendrier" msgid "None" msgstr "Aucun" msgid "Horizontal rule" msgstr "Barre horizontale" msgid "Box" msgstr "boîte" msgid "Show Year Title Above Small Calendar:" msgstr "Affiche l'année au dessus du petit calendrier" msgid "Show Today Link Above Small Calendar:" msgstr "Affiche un lien vers le jour courant au dessus du petit calendrier" msgid "Show Day Headers Above Small Calendar:" msgstr "Affiche les jours au dessus du petit calendrier" msgid "Use Same Background Colors for Days as Regular Calendar:" msgstr "Utiliser le même fond pour les jours que pour le calendrier normal" msgid "Header Color:" msgstr "Couleur d'en-tête" msgid "Today Color:" msgstr "Couleur pour Aujourd'hui" msgid "Event Color:" msgstr "Couleur d'évènement" msgid "Day Color:" msgstr "Couleur de jour" msgid "Event Text Style:" msgstr "Style de texte pour les évènements" msgid "normal" msgstr "normal" msgid "italic" msgstr "italique" msgid "Year View" msgstr "Vue Annuelle" msgid "Month View" msgstr "Vue Mensuelle" msgid "Tasks" msgstr "Tâches" msgid "Color Picker" msgstr "Sélectionneur de couleur" msgid "Click a box and the hexadecimal color will be shown below. Use these hex values for color box settings." msgstr "Cliquez sur un carré et la valeur héxadécimale de la couleur sera affichée en dessous. Utilisez ce code pour le choix de la couleur de boîte." msgid "Hex Value" msgstr "Valeur hexadécimale" msgid "More" msgstr "Plus" msgid "Go" msgstr "Aller" msgid "Add Event" msgstr "Ajouter évènement" msgid "Edit Calendar" msgstr "Edition évènement" msgid "Update Event" msgstr "Mettre à jour évènement" msgid "Create Event" msgstr "Créer évènement" msgid "Summary:" msgstr "Résumé:" msgid "Start:" msgstr "Début:" msgid "End:" msgstr "Fin:" msgid "Duration:" msgstr "Durée:" msgid "Recurrence:" msgstr "Répétition" msgid "One Time" msgstr "Une fois" msgid "Recurring Every" msgstr "Répété tous les" msgid "Help" msgstr "Aide" msgid "On" msgstr "Le" msgid "Sun" msgstr "Dim" msgid "Mon" msgstr "Lun" msgid "Tue" msgstr "Mar" msgid "Wed" msgstr "Mer" msgid "Thu" msgstr "Jeu" msgid "Fri" msgstr "Ven" msgid "Sat" msgstr "Sam" msgid "End Recurrence:" msgstr "Dernière répétition" msgid "Recurrence Count:" msgstr "Nombre de répétitions" msgid "Priority:" msgstr "Priorité:" msgid "Reminder:" msgstr "Rappel" msgid "before event start" msgstr "" msgid "Description:" msgstr "" msgid "Delete Event" msgstr "Supprimer évènement" msgid "Last Updated:" msgstr "Mis à jour:" msgid "Created:" msgstr "Crée le:" msgid "Reminder not set" msgstr "Rappel non paramétré" msgid "Occurrences" msgstr "Occurences" msgid "Confirm Deletion" msgstr "Confirmez la suppression" msgid "Calendar Helper" msgstr "Aide du calendrier" msgid "TODAY" msgstr "Aujourd'hui" msgid "Time Helper" msgstr "" msgid "Available Calendars" msgstr "Calendriers disponibles" msgid "remove" msgstr "supprimer" msgid "edit" msgstr "éditer" msgid "export" msgstr "exporter" msgid "Add Personal Calendar" msgstr "Ajouter un calendrier personnel" msgid "Add External Calendar" msgstr "Ajouter un calendrier externe" msgid "Address:" msgstr "Adresse:" msgid "Override Name:" msgstr "" msgid "Import Calendar" msgstr "Importer un calendrier" msgid "Synch/Merge With" msgstr "Synchroniser/fusionner avec" msgid "Auto-detect" msgstr "Detection automatique" msgid "S M T W T F S" msgstr "D L M M J V S" msgid "Submit" msgstr "Envoyer" msgid "Export In Microsoft-compatible Format" msgstr "Exporter dans un format compatible Microsoft" msgid "Converting old calendar. . ." msgstr "" msgid "Can't rename %s to %s" msgstr "" msgid "Can't find old personal calendar: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Problem converting old calendar; please contact your administrator (%s)" msgstr "" msgid "Problem converting old calendar; please contact your administrator (cannot execute %s)" msgstr "" msgid "cont'd" msgstr ""